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City To City Garage Door Repair


Phone (972) 695-4060
Mobile (972) 695-4060 - Mobile
Fax (972) 695-4060 - Fax
Address 6860 North Dallas Parkway,
Plano, Tx,, TX 75024 United States


Welcome to City To City Garage Door Repair we have been Servicing the Plano Tx area for several years and have helped many people with the safety of there home by fixing there garage doors. We understand that a garage door repair is something very serious and that is why we are available to help at any time.

Garage door repair is serious business. Did you know an estimated 13,000 people are injured every year in the U.S. because of avoidable garage door incidents? (National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS).

A garage door is part of a complete garage door system (whether electric or manual) and that's an investment in your family, your future, and your protection. At City To City Garage Door Repair, we believe that safety is a priority. Our garage doors systems are well known for their high quality and safety, regardless of what type of repair you need

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