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Locksmith FOR Seattle WA


Phone (425) 224-5287
Address 600 1st Ave,
Seattle, WA 98104 United States


Looking for the perfect locksmith services and in need of one right away? Well our company offers the best solutions to all our customers emergency needs! We are a twenty-four hour, seven days a week company and we are also available during the weekends and most important the holidays. Whether your emergency be Residential, Commercial or Auto, all our experienced and licensed locksmiths are on call to assist you with all your locksmith issues. Locksmith emergency services consist of lock of Residential and Commercial Properties, car lock outs, making of an ignition key, re-keying locks, changing, installing and repairing any type of lock.

We're a mobile locksmith. We actually differ from our competition, in the fact that we can come on-site and create a computer chip key, a remote or just a normal key cut that you may need for your home or business or even your vehicle. Just some of our locksmith work consists of: Lockouts, lock repair and installations, make auto keys, key extraction, auto ignition repair and installation, safe lockouts, safe repair, sales and installation, security system sales, repair and installation, lock repair and installations. As leaders in the field of security, our Locksmith Service have established an excellent working relationship with many different management companies who have chosen us as their point of contact for a full range of services, including: Locksmith, Doors, Iron Work, Intercom Systems and Security Systems providing services to the local owners of one town house to the large multi-family.

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